Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blowing in the wind

Vorfrühling, by Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929)
Es läuft der Frühlingswind
Durch kahle Alleen,
Seltsame Dinge sind
In seinem Wehn. [...]
(The spring wind rushes through bare alley-ways, strange things are in its blowing ...)

Red winged blackbird (Wikipedia)
Today's temperature was up to double figures (above, not below zero) in a gusty west wind, with skeins of geese flying overhead, honking at one another. On a horizontal dead tree which has drifted downstream with the flood water and is now floating beside Green Island, a pair of ducks had perched to take a rest. The crowns of the maples growing in the parks are showing red blossom; the sun is still high and bright at 7 p.m. Walking towards the Minto Bridges from New Edinburgh we were dazzled by its reflection in the river. I was sorry not to have had my camera with me when we noticed, from a distance, the spray blowing back from the Falls, backlit by that sunshine. I spotted another portent of spring, a newly arrived red-winged blackbird (hearing it before I saw it, as is usually the case; they're noisy creatures).

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