Monday, March 28, 2011

The ice from above

A flight to Kingston and back yesterday took us above several rivers: the Ottawa, the Gatineau, the Mississippi, the Tay, the Rideau and Jock River. Some of the lakes between Perth and Kingston are also part of the Rideau River system, Big Rideau Lake an obvious example.

The faster flowing water in narrower reaches is mostly clear of ice now; wider stretches aren't so clear, as my pictures show. As the outside air temperature had been low all week, that's hardly surprising.

Never mind the late spring. It's a privilege to be able to see the landscape like this, in its frozen state; we were lucky to have such fine weather and excellent visibility for yesterday's outing.

Crossing the Ottawa near Constance Bay

A crack forming at a former crossing point on the ice (Ottawa River again)

Big Rideau Lake, still solid, from 6500 feet up

Corner of the Rideau River, west of Smiths Falls

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